Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Point-in-time Training Monday, January 26th, with George Bolden and GW Rolle

Counting the homeless of Pinellas county seems like an impossible task, as you can expect to see a homeless person God-blessing you under almost every overpass. Mr. Bolden presented us with a great training session on how the volunteers would conduct this census. After his discussion, I feel as if I could confidently go out and participate in this effort.
Bringing G.W. Rolle along to give the class, most of whom don't know anyone who is homeless or has ever been homeless, insight as to how anyone can have his or her life turned upside-down and become homeless.
Most of the "bums" I have known were in such a rut because their recreational drug or alcohol use took over their lives; that made it easy to file most other homeless people in the same category. I often forget to think about how our economy is putting many good, clean people out of jobs, houses, family, and luck.
Mr. Rolle also brought to light the future of involuntary homelessness. It saddens and frustrates me to think that there is another wave of foreclosures rolling our way, and there's no way to stop it. Tens of thousands of jobs are lost every week, without any other doors opening. I hope a change is going to come.

These two gentlemen presented the class with a very laid back brand of technical communication. We were delivered precise information in a very effective and refreshing manner. Mr. Rolle gave us the problem, with an appeal to pathos and ethos, and the goals we, as a community, need to meet. Mr. Bolden gave us the tools which can be used to reach such goals.

A Change Is Gonna Come - Sam Cooke

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